
Thursday, December 23, 2010

North Korea Ready for Sacred War

We have wondered if WWIII would start in the Middle it seems such a likely spot. But with all this bluster by China and the fact that they are now a creditor to the world...and the USA is a debtor to the world....we have begun to wonder if the flash point between East and West that sparks WWIII may be on the Korean peninsula or somewhere close by involving Taiwan, Japan and the U.S. promise to protect them from Russia and/or China.

Today's headline makes me wonder a little bit more;

North Korea 'ready for sacred war' with the South

North Korea is ready for a "sacred war of justice" using a nuclear deterrent, its armed forces minister has said.

Kim Yong-chun accused South Korea of making preparations for war by holding live-fire exercises near the border.

The drills are one of the largest in South Korea's history, involving tanks, helicopters and fighter planes.

North Korea shelled a Southern island last month killing four people - the first time Northern shells had killed civilians since the 1950-53 war.

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak has promised immediate retaliation to any further Northern attack.

The BBC's John Sudworth says people on the Korean peninsula are used to fiery rhetoric from Pyongyang, but as the tension escalates, the danger is that one side will feel forced to act on its threats.

See it here;

Remember, we continue to watch the Kings of the East because the Bible says they will be here during the Tribulation and will be involved in the battle of Armageddon at Jesus' return. We also continue to wonder what may seal the fate of the USA....because we can't find any reference in scripture to them anywhere during the Tribulation.

We believe the USA's demise will be sealed when The Church is raptured. The USA, unlike any other country on earth, will probably lose the largest percentage of citizens....and the shock to our financial condition from mortgage, credit card and car payment defaults and the shock to our infrastructure will just be too great to overcome. Also, how would our military survive?? it is a fact that our military is filled with many Christ-following soldiers who will disappear in the twinkling of an eye.

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