
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Something Interbred With Early Humans

This top headline was posted on BBC News;

Ancient humans, dubbed 'Denisovans', interbred with us

Scientists say an entirely separate type of human identified from bones in Siberia co-existed and interbred with our own species.

The ancient humans have been dubbed Denisovans after the caves in Siberia where their remains were found.

There is also evidence that this group was widespread in Eurasia.
A study in Nature journal shows that Denisovans co-existed with Neanderthals and interbred with our species - perhaps around 50,000 years ago.

See it here;

Now pat attention to this paragraph;
"It could be just 50 Denisovans interbreeding with a thousand modern humans. That would be enough to produce this 5% of those archaic genes being transferred," he said.

"It is fascinating to see direct evidence that these archaic species did exist (alongside us) and it's only for the last few tens of thousands of years that is unique in our history that we are alone on this planet and we have no close relatives with us anymore," he said.

The Bible tells us in Genesis 6 that created beings of God (obviously not humans...I believe they were fallen angels) went to women and had sex with them. The resultant offspring were different beings and obviously not 100% human....the Bible refers to them as Nephilim.

The Book of Enoch also talks about this strange event. You will need to be a Berean and figure out what you believe as scripture and the Holy Spirit meet in you...but this headline may add to the evidence of "strange flesh" and/or "corrupted flesh" spoken of in the Bible...if you are a Bible believer....and it also may add to the arsenal for atheistic beliefs....who are convinced this whole existence was some sort of random, cosmic accident, that took place over billions of years.


  1. Gen.1:1-2:3 teaches 7 days and 2 Peter 3:8 shows those 7 days to be 7,000 years. Scripture deals with 7,000 years of time [Man's Day is 6,000 yrs., the Lord's Day is 1,000 yrs] then the Day of God goes out into an endless eternity. No such thing as billions of years when in ref. to man. The only interbreeding with man were the fallen angels of Satan in Gen.6:2.

  2. Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry explains carbon dating

  3. I agree with you Myrna that the only interbreeding were when the fallen angels did it. I also am familiar with the day is like a thousand years passage. So do you believe that it is now the Jewish year, 5771 so we have about 230 years left till Christ returns to usher in Millennium...which would be the 7th day? Or do the Jews have it wrong and it is not that year?

  4. One other question you believe that God used 6000 years for creation or 6 days?

  5. Dennis, I do believe the Jewish calendar is in error. And because the Romans changed the calendar in order to prolong their glutenous feasts, our calendar is also incorrect. I believe God took 6 24-hour days to restore the earth for mankind. Gen.1:1 deals with the original creation. There is a gap between Gen.1:1 and Gen. 1:2 (cf. Isa.45:18). Gen.1:2-31 deals with 6 24-hour days of restoration.
    Gen.2:1-3 is about the 7th day, thus, giving Gen.1:1-2:3 as the foundation of all Scripture.

  6. Watch out for "gap theory". Nothing needed to be restored between Gen.1:1 and Gen. 1:2.
    (just my opinion)We don't need to add anything to God's Word.

  7. Isn't the jewish calendar a luner one and the one we use a solor one? Maybe this is a mute point. Keep an eye on what is happening in Israel.

  8. Gen.1:2a: And the earth was without form, and void. Isa.45:18: For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God Himself that formed the earth and made it; He hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else. Thus, the gap theory is correct. Gen.1:2ff is the restoration of the original creation, shown as the type of God's restoration of the second ruined creation: man. God took six days to restore the original creation. He will take 6,000 years to restore His second creation: man.

  9. What did it need to re restored from?
    Maybe you are trying to stick the dinosaurs and the fall of satan in there.
    Gen 1:2 --- My Bible say “ was “ not ‘became”

    The Gap theory view seems to create harmony with all the views of contemporary science and still stay on good terms with those who see the Bible teaching a resent 24 hr day creation. However, there is no mention anywhere in the Bible of a previous creation. In Exodus 20:11 there is not even a hint that this was a re-creation or any clarification given as to which creation was being referred to.

    You can find more information on the Faith Search website.
