
Friday, January 28, 2011

Arab World Coming Apart

First it was Tunisia, then Algeria and Yemen. Now it's Egypt....and "officials" are worrying it could spread to other Arab/Muslim dictator-led countries.

I just had CNN news on the TV and was amused by the liberal newscaster as she "reported" on Egypt. The reporters were stumbling all over themselves to figure out what the USA and Obama could possibly do or say in regards to Egypt. Remember, Obama gave his speech to the Muslim world from Egypt.

CNN told us that Egypt and it's President Mubarak are great allies of the fact probably our best ally in the middle east...but he is a dictator who represses freedom of speech and also doesn't allow a true how can the USA support the freedom marchers without appearing to diss Mubarak? Oh such a dilemma!

Of course, we democracy lovers better be careful who we wish democracy upon....because what if the radical Muslim extremists is the government that the people elect? Then will the USA truly support the people's choice...or do we only support democracy when they elect a pro-West, peaceful, capitalist?

Israel is watching developments in Egypt with concern. The government is standing by autocratic Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, out of fear that the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood could take power and start supplying arms to Hamas.

Israel is usually a country where politicians have an opinion on any topic, and where they are more than happy to make it public. But in recent days, Israel’s leadership has been unusually silent on a certain question. No one, it seems, is willing to make an official comment on the ongoing unrest in Egypt, where protesters have been holding anti-government rallies. It’s not because nobody in Israel is interested in the riots in the country’s southern neighbor — quite the contrary, Israeli news channels have been reporting continuously on recent events in the Arab world, from Tunisia to Lebanon.

“If regime change occurs in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood would take the helm, and that would have incalculable consequences for the region,” says Shaked. The Israeli government has noted with concern the fact that, even after 30 years of peace, Egypt’s army is still equipped and trained mainly with a possible war against Israel in mind.

Shaked considers the West’s demands for more openness and democracy in Egypt to be a fatal mistake. “It is an illusion to believe that the dictator Mubarak could be replaced by a democracy,” he says. “Egypt is still not capable of democracy,” he adds, pointing out that the illiteracy rate is over 20 percent, to give just one example. The Muslim Brotherhood is the only real alternative, he says, which would have devastating consequences for the West.

See it here;

Did you catch that? Some of the experts believe that if Mubarak is thrown will make the way clear for the Muslim Brotherhood....which is a serious group of Muslim Extremists. You can't have a democracy thrive in a land where only 20% of the people can read.

Can you see how this whole chaos could further set the stage for the Psalm 83 war?

Hat tip to Lisa H.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Persia (Iran) and Magog (Russia) are becoming military playmates :-)

    When the flotilla sails to Gaza in a few months they will have escorts. It will be interesting to see if Russia jumps into the playpen.

    Russia and Iran to mount joint operations

    Turkey (Togarmah) has already indicated they are in. CNN-IBN: Turkish Navy to escort next Islamic «aid ship» to Gaza

    TEHRAN (FNA)-Iran to Send Fleet of Warships to Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea in the near future.

    Haaretz - Two more Gaza-bound flotillas to set sail, first in April 2011.

    If you read the Hadiths you will understand their game plan.


