
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rumblings of Imminence

Here is a very short and to the point video about what happened the last time the New Madrid fault broke.

Now try to imagine what that kind of ground shaking will do to the modern infrastructure that runs through that entire fault.

No doubt why FEMA said when it breaks again it WILL be the worst economic and human disaster to EVER befall America.

Meanwhile the tremors continue all along that fault.

Totally random question here but has anyone else had their ears start ringing just out of the blue over the last month or two? I recently ran across a very strange comment and I want to see if there are any dots to connect.


  1. Hey Dennis -

    My ears hav enot been ringin, but I dug around a bit and came upon this article.

    Love this quote:
    "For the most part, the study has resulted in a remarkable track of Taos like symptoms in ‘sensitives’ when the earth is active."

  2. Hi Dennis,
    Your starting to scare me a bit. I have been complaining to my wife (just a little) over the past two months of ringing in my ears. I actually have seriously thought about going to an ear, nose and throat doctor to see what it is... what are the dots you speak of?

  3. Hi Steve,
    not trying to scare anyone as I don't know what it might be, but for the first time in my life I have had a few times just out of the blue where there is a loud ring. I ran across some comment to an article where the guy asked if anyone else's ears had started to ring for the first time. I have had a handful of people who are saying that they have. What does it mean?...I don't know yet. Check out the link from Spartacus above your comment and see if it could make some sense. I'll post something if I connect any dots...but as of yet I have none. Maybe it is just some sensitivity to rumblings of the earth?....and the earth is getting ready to rumble?
