
Thursday, January 27, 2011

One World-One Money (The End is Near)

The above title is also an article found in the Levitt Letter this month. They also are seeing the RAPID movement of the worlds money system towards a one world financial system...and it appears to be getting REALLY close.

All of this brings up an interesting question: Does the world need a global central bank? If you want a single world currency, it requires an international banking structure armed with a monetary policy on a planetary scale. Essentially, the requirement for a single global currency is a bank that has power over all countries, kindred, and tongues. Former Canadian Member of Parliament, Paul Hellyer, criticized this development in 1994, saying that under such a global currency/banking system “the interests of citizens, of individual countries must be subordinate…to the interests of international finance.”[5]

2001: “When VISA was founded twenty-five years ago, the founders saw the world as needing a Single Global Currency for exchange. Everything we’ve done from a global perspective has been about trying to put one piece in place after another to fulfill that global vision.”[11] — Sarah Perry, Director of VISA’s Strategic Investment Program.

“…the dollar’s privileged status as today’s global money is not heaven-bestowed. The dollar is ultimately just another money supported only by faith that others will willingly accept it in the future in return for the same sort of valuable things it bought in the past. This puts a great burden on the institutions of the institutions of the U.S. government to validate that faith. And those institutions, unfortunately, are failing to shoulder that burden. Reckless U.S. fiscal policy is undermining the dollar’s position even as the currency’s role as a global money is expanding.”[16]

Yes it is true. The dollar's privileged status is hanging by a is MOST DEFINITELY NOT heaven bestowed...and it most definitely IS supported only by faith.

Dear Jesus,
you told us VERY clearly to have faith in God alone. You also told us very clearly that we can not worship God and Mammon (money). Please forgive us. Most of us have more faith in Mammon that we do in you. Many of us spend most of our time, efforts, gifts and blessings in our quest for more Mammon and we have failed to seek you. Have mercy on us as we know not what we do.

Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

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