
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Egypt and Obama

A few readers have asked for further explanation about the pickle that the situation in Egypt and the Arab world have put us in.

Let's lay a few facts on the table to start;

1) USA claims to be a supporter of democracy and "the people's rights".
2) USA has had a "good" relationship with Mubarak for decades.
3) Mubarak is an Arab strongman dictator who overseas an impoverished and illiterate society.
4) USA only supports democracy if it leads to a candidate that we approve of.
5) USA values stability in the region because of our dependence on foreign oil.

I could put up more than 5 facts but let's start with those.

The people of Egypt are fed up with their lives and with they should be. Food prices are going through the roof, they are sick of not having a voice and the unrest finally spilled over and they took to the streets to demand change.

Team Obama remained silent as they watched the situation grow in Egypt. Why are they so silent? Because they are walking a tightrope. On the one hand if they come out and support the street will be viewed as a betrayal of the "good" relationship we have with Mubarak. It would be like stabbing him in the back. So if the USA went on record as saying they support the overthrow of can imagine the egg on Obama's face if Mubarak decides to CRUSH the revolution and remain in power.

Also Team Obama is very nervous (as they should be) about what kind of government/leader would replace Mubarak. What if the people throw out Mubarak, who we have a "good" relationship with, and replace him with the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood...which is akin to Hezbollah and Hamas...meaning serious Muslim extremists? That would actually be a "bad" development for us.

You could imagine Obama trying to explain all this in the situation room, "Yes, Mubarak may be a strongman dictator who oppresses the masses....but at least he's OUR strongman dictator who oppresses the masses!"

Yesterday alone, because of the unrest in Egypt, the price of oil went up over $3 per barrel. As Americans burning through millions of barrels per can see how it is in our national interest to continue walking the tightrope...and continue supporting ANYONE who promises to keep the masses at bay.

Why do you think we have such a "good" relationship with Saudi Arabia's leaders....even though the ruling house of Saud is the most corrupt, dishonest, greedy, brutal, oppressive regime in the neighborhood?

Because if unrest spills over in Arab lands...we could end up seeing $10-12 per gallon for gasoline. And America WOULD COME to a grinding halt if that were to happen next week.

So until we find an alternative to oil for our energy needs and lifestyles....the USA will continue supporting repressive long as they promise to keep things STABLE.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Commander Stresses Egyptian Revolution's Domino Effect on Arab States

    TEHRAN (FNA)- The present Revolution in Egypt serves as a prelude to more uprisings in the other Arab countries, a senior commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said on Saturday.

    Seems like a bunch of things are being set in motion.


