
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Egypt's Alternative Leaders

The Jerusalem Post has some observations of who may end up being the leader of Egypt if Mubarak is forced down. When you start examining in depth what may be happening looks like trouble is brewing for Israel. And if there is trouble for Israel....there is trouble for all of us.

Thursday afternoon, Egyptian presidential hopeful Mohammed ElBaradei, the former head of the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency returned to Egypt from Vienna to participate in anti-regime demonstrations.

His actions won him the support of the Iranian regime which he continues to defend. Just last week he dismissed the threat of a nuclear armed Iran telling the Austrian News Agency, “There’s a lot of hype in this debate,” and asserting that the discredited 2007 US National Intelligence Estimate that claimed Iran abandoned its nuclear weapons program in 2003 remains accurate.

Elbaradei’s support for the Iranian ayatollahs is matched by his support for the Muslim Brotherhood. This group, which forms the largest and best organized opposition movement to the Mubarak regime is the progenitor of Hamas and al Qaida.

Nice!! A big supporter of the Muslim extremists who is the ex-head of the Atomic Inspections that allowed Iran to cheat on it's atomic reporting! Now wouldn't he make a nice leader of Egypt?

Now pay close attention to this paragraph;

And as we now see, all of its possible secular and Islamist successors either reject outright Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel or will owe their political power to the support of those who reject the peace with the Jewish state. So whether the Egyptian regime falls next week or next year or five years from now, the peace treaty is doomed.

Anyone interested in what is happening in Egypt should read this article;

So there you have it....the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt is doomed. And when you look at the hundreds of fighter jets the USA has sold's no wonder Israel would also rather have an Arab despot in charge that KEEPS the peace treaty....than to have a Muslim Extremist who hates Israel and Jews become the ELECTED leader of the Egyptian masses.

No doubt friends.....Egypt is one the named players of the Last Days as mentioned specifically in the Bible. It certainly appears as if she is getting ready to stand up and play her Last Days role.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.


    Five Arab League states could follow the collapse of the regime in Tunisia. A report by Foreign Policy magazine, a leading U.S. journal on
    international affairs, listed five countries whose regimes could be
    overthrown by a Tunisian-style revolt. They were identified as Algeria,
    Egypt, Jordan, Libya and Sudan.

    Looks like Put and Cush are getting in the game.



  2. Hi Dennis,

    Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami in Friday Sermon: A New Islam-Based Middle East Is In the Making; Unrest Is Aftershock of 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran

    A quick read, it is coming together quickly. There has to be a big attack on Israel to get the black flag army to start its march.

    I speculate this to be Isaiah 17.



  3. Wow Tom. Are you getting the feel this could be the real thing?...or could this just be more movement towards the real thing?

  4. Hi Dennis,

    It is cold enough now for the Pashtun’s to start their march from Koreshan to get started per the Hadiths. If you see the black flag army sweeping into Iran from Afghanistan in a few months after a conflict in Israel it is likely that the door to the age of grace will close by the end of September.

    The supreme leader of Persia has said that the Mahdi is here and running the show. Ahmadinejad has also noted this in conversations.

    The flotilla to Gaza in April and May will have top cover from the Russian, Turkish, Iranian, and Egyptian navies. The list of participants is on facebook. If Israel confronts these navies there is going to be sparks and repercussions. They will have picked a fight with some heavy players. This may be the spark that lights the fuse for the planned Attacks from The MB, Ikhwan, Hamas, Hezbollah and the PA.

    If the MB takes Egypt Israel now has 2 fronts. Egypt has good equipment that the US has been supplying them for many years. Billions of US dollars in military aid have been given to them over the years. To turn this military power toward Israel would be a great universal cause for the new Egyptian MB government.

    I could go into the military side of this in more detail if you would desire. I suspect if this fur ball starts we can look for Damascus to be destroyed then Ezekiel’s war a few months after that.

    Yours in Christ,

