
Monday, January 3, 2011

End of the World is May 21, 2011

According to this article published by Family Radio...Judgment Day is scheduled for May 21, 2011. Holy smokes! I wonder if they have an alternate date planned in case we have a blizzard?

MAY 21, 2011

JUDGMENT DAY is feared by the world and is the day that God will destroy the world because of the sins of mankind. The world is correct in believing that Judgment Day will come. The Bible gives us the correct and accurate information about that Day.

Now pay VERY CLOST ATTENTION as to why it will be on May 21.

In 2 Peter 3:8, which is quoted above, Holy God reminds us that one day is as 1,000 years. Therefore, with the correct understanding that the seven days referred to in Genesis 7:4 can be understood as 7,000 years, we learn that when God told Noah there were seven days to escape worldwide destruction, He was also telling the world there would be exactly 7,000 years (one day is as 1,000 years) to escape the wrath of God that would come when He destroys the world on Judgment Day. Because Holy Infinite God is all-knowing, He knows the end from the beginning. He knew how sinful the world would become.

Seven thousand years after 4990 B.C. (the year of the Flood) is the year 2011 A.D. (our calendar).

4990 + 2011 – 1 = 7,000
[One year must be subtracted in going from an Old Testament B.C. calendar date to a New Testament A.D. calendar date because the calendar does not have a year zero.]

Thus Holy God is showing us by the words of 2 Peter 3:8 that He wants us to know that exactly 7,000 years after He destroyed the world with water in Noah’s day, He plans to destroy the entire world forever. Because the year 2011 A.D. is exactly 7,000 years after 4990 B.C. when the flood began, the Bible has given us absolute proof that the year 2011 is the end of the world during the Day of Judgment, which will come on the last day of the Day of Judgment.

See it here;

Is there anyone who wants to bet me a bacon cheeseburger at Culvers that the earth will still be here on May 22, 2011?

Of course the rapture could happen any day, but even if the rapture happened tomorrow, the earth still needs to go through the final seven years of Tribulation AFTER the rapture happens.

"No man knows the day or the hour", says Jesus.

These folks will no doubt be embarrassed and need to reissue some statement on May 22 about how they "forgot" that the Hebrews used a lunar calendar instead of a solar then they will need to recalc everything...and then they will come up with some other date.

Of course all of this date setting does much to help discredit all folks who truly believe that we are IN THE SEASON of our Lord's return.

Hat tip to Gary A.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    I saw this in the news. Makes me sad. Reminds me of the story of the boy crying wolf. I think this type of behavior does more harm than good.

    That said, If Jesus comes back in the next 1000 years the chance of pulling one of these days out of a hat and being right is about 100 times better than winning the lottery. :-)

    Hope your having a good day.



  2. Great picture here...



  3. God did not command Noah to warn the peoples. He specifically told Noah that only he and his family would be in the ark [with the animals] (Gen.6:18).
    Gen.7:4 has nothing to do with the 7,000 years and 2 Peter 3:8. The seven years are from the foundation of Scripture Gen.1:1-2:3. Starting with the creation of man there would be 6,000 yrs of Man's day, then 1,000 yrs. of the Millennial reign of Christ. It will be after the Great White Throne judgment of the unsaved that the present heavens and earth will be destroyed by fire (Rev.22:1; 2 Peter 3:7)

  4. Hi Dennis,

    Here is a quick overview of the Russian Islamic talks...



  5. I agree Tom....more harm than good. Puts all "watchers" in the nut case department.

    Did that moon look like the Islmaic crescent?...or was that just me seeing things?

    I will check out the russian Islamic talks.

    Have a good day.

  6. Hi Myrna,
    I agree with much of what you say. Of course I don't believe that judgment day is May 21. I'm still listening for the Trumpet. Also I'm still a little hung up on the exact date thing of 7000 years. I'm not going to debate it...I will just open my eyes to the possibity. Thanks for your comments!
