
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Why Do Birds Fall Down From the Sky?

By now, most of us have heard about the 5000+ blackbirds that dropped out of the sky dead on New Years Eve in Arkansas.

Times Square had the ball drop, and Brasstown, N.C., had its descending possum. But no place had a New Year’s Eve as unusual, or freakishly disturbing, as Beebe, Ark.

Around 11 that night, thousands of
red-winged blackbirds began falling out of the sky over this small city about 35 miles northeast of Little Rock. They landed on roofs, roads, front lawns and backyards, turning the ground nearly black and terrifying anyone who happened to be outside.

“It just looked as if it had rained birds,” said Tracy Lightfoot, a member of the City Council, declining to speculate on the reason. “There’s lots of theories running around. I have no idea. I just don’t have a clue.”

See it here;

What's interesting is to read some of the comments on the numerous articles posted on this event. One person claims he saw a UFO that had just cloaked itself in invisibility...and the birds crashed into it and died. Scientists are telling us that the birds are the did collide with something. Others claim this is just one more sign that THE Apocalypse is close.

Who knows? What I do know is that Jesus told us in Luke, "Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather." Luke 17:37

What Jesus meant by this is; one sign (one vulture) that points to The Last Days doesn't mean anything. But when you see many signs (many vultures) happening all at the same time...the second coming is near.

I wonder if the 100,000 dead fish happening in the same state on the same day are somehow related? The experts say no...but what do the experts know?

1 comment:

  1. 500 more blackbirds dead in Louisiana
