
Monday, January 31, 2011

Fully Loaded Fault

Of course we all know about the San Andreas fault out in CA that will one day destroy CA. Also we are all now familiar with the New Madrid fault that last broke 200 years ago....the one that FEMA says will be the worst disaster to EVER befall America when it breaks.

But now we have another fault to add to our watch list.

As if you didn’t have enough worries, here is one more to add to that massive list:“It’s been 300 years,” Bill Steele said Tuesday.

“We have a fully loaded subduction zone.”

Actually, it’s been 311 years since the Great Cascadia Earthquake of 1700.

“The earthquake ruptured what is known as the Cascadia subduction zone — the area of overlap between two of the tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s surface, the Juan de Fuca plate and the North American plate.” The 2003 HistoryLink essay by Greg Lange, citing scientists who studied the quake, said the event dropped the whole Pacific Northwest coastline 3 to 6 feet, and that the tsunami was as high as 33 feet.

Knowledge of all that comes from both recent science and long-ago legends and tales of American Indians. Ruth Ludwin, a former University of Washington geophysics professor, has studied and published evidence of the quake found in native lore, Steele said.

“There are a large number of Native American legends and tales of meadows reclaimed by the sea, of great shaking and landslides, and of whole villages wiped out with canoes found in the trees,” he said. “It may have killed tens of thousands of people, but there is no written record of that.”

See it all here;

It makes you realize that when Jesus returns to stop the Tribulation and the largest earthquake EVER to be recorded happens when He touches down on the Mount of seems as if it will be a simultaneous breaking of every fault on earth at precisely the same time.

It also seems as if Yellowstone, New Madrid, Cascadia, San Andreas...are all FULLY LOADED and ready to blow.

Could it be that Jesus is preloading them for THAT day? Could it be that "that day" is really not that far away?

What an exciting time!

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