
Monday, January 31, 2011

Meltdown Coming for Iran Nuke Program?

Some breaking news is reporting the Iran's nuclear reactor may have a Chernobyl like disaster because of the Stuxnet computer worm that penetrated their computers.

A foreign intelligence report says that the control systems of Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant have been penetrated by a computer worm unleashed last year - and is warning of a possible Chernobyl-like disaster once the site becomes fully operational.

Russia's envoy to NATO also has raised the specter of the 1986 reactor explosion in Ukraine, but suggested last week the danger had passed. (AP)

See it here;,7340,L-4021959,00.html

It sure sounds like Iran might have a really tough time putting together some nuclear weapons nay time soon.

But remember that Ezekiel says Iran will join Russia and Turkey in a military venture against Israel....and Russia already has lots of nukes to threaten Israel with.

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