
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Inflationary Nightmare

Yesterday's Wall Street Journal had their lead article about rising prices on pretty much all the goods necessary to manufacture anything.

Today we have Peter Schiff using some pretty serious language in regards to inflation that is coming.

Forget about official inflation figures, which show consumer prices rose only 1.5 percent last year, says Peter Schiff, president of Euro Pacific Capital.

“Inflation is here,” he tells Yahoo’s Tech Ticker.

“The first place you would expect to see it is in commodities, particularly agricultural commodities and precious metals. That’s exactly what we’ve seen.”

China will also force inflation on the United States, he says. “The only way China can cure its inflation problem is to stop importing it from us, which means ... they have to let their currency rise,” he argues.

“When that happens, it will unleash an inflationary nightmare here in the United States.”

Schiff isn’t the only one worried about central-bank policy causing inflation.

Read more: Peter Schiff: China to Unleash US 'Inflation Nightmare'

Holy rising costs! I know what we should do....let's pressure China to NOT do that! Oh...wait....we have to be careful how we talk to them...because they could sink us if they demand the $1 trillion that we owe them.

Honestly, how do you threaten anyone when you owe them money?

Of course if they loaned you TOO MUCH money, and they are scared you might not repay them....they won't want you to go into default....unless their intent all along was to lead you to default and they can finally claim top-dog status and replace the U.S. as the king of the hill? Hmmmmm.....let's ponder that one for a while.

The kings of the east will can take that one to the bank. Why?...because the Bible tells me so.

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