
Tuesday, January 25, 2011


A reader sent me a very timely quote from a very Godly man;

From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "The Alarum."

Come, brethren and sisters, we must wake up, even if we have been asleep ourselves, and we must do so because we are in an enemy’s country; it will not do to sleep here. This side of heaven we are in every place and at all hours surrounded by foes. What did the Master say? “What I say unto you I say unto all, Watch!” Be like sentries at your post, for otherwise the enemy will soon betray you.

Will you not grieve the Holy Spirit if you are lethargic? Will you not dishonor your Master if you fall asleep? Remember, also, that the devil seeks your destruction, and can never do you so much mischief awake as he can if he finds you sleeping. Let the growling of the old lion arouse you. If nothing else will bestir you, remember the fiery darts of the wicked one.

So will we? Will we wake up? How many floods, quakes, animal deaths, Israel news, wars, and famines will it take to remind us all that we are on ENEMY TERRITORY!

Hat tip to April S.

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