
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lebanese Government Collapses

I will let you read about this collapse from the New York Times and also from Fox News;

Many here fear that “unknown” could turn bloody with street clashes in which Hezbollah is likely to prevail. An outbreak of violence might enable it to effectively seize control of the government and force a new reality on the streets of Beirut, at least until a new agreement can be reached under the auspices of foreign powers, who have long played an outsized role in the country’s domestic affairs.

Other analysts dismiss the prospect of violence, given Hezbollah’s strength. A more likely scenario, they say, is months of political stalemate, not unlike Lebanon witnessed between 2006 and 2008, before another deal is reached.

What does this all mean? Sounds like Hezbollah could be getting ready to take over Lebanon...which Syria and Iran both desire.

It also sounds like the clock is ticking off seconds as we close in on the war prophesied in Psalm 83.

Thanks Lisa H. and Jon R. for the heads up.

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