
Wednesday, January 12, 2011


In another sign as to just how far and how fast this country is sliding from it's Christian roots...we get an article on the front page of the Wall Street Journal explaining how people are turning to Hoodoo (think Voodoo) to help them find jobs and happiness.

Jennifer Forness, a 39-year-old in Groton, Conn., felt her life falling apart earlier this year. Her husband announced he wanted a divorce. She lost her job as a store clerk. She developed health problems from the stress.

Then one night she discovered a website selling products for hoodoo—an ancient belief system based on spells, potions, balms and curses that slaves developed long ago in the Deep South. Ms. Forness ordered several items and instructions for performing certain rituals. She also had a telephone session with a hoodoo "doctor" who specializes in employment matters.

Since then, things have turned around. Ms. Forness found work tending bar part-time and her health has improved. "There is a reason we believe in this stuff," she says.

For decades, hoodoo shops appeared to be dying off. But the Internet, and troubled times, have given rituals once performed only in backwoods cabins or shabby urban shops a new life. Hoodoo practitioners and retailers say sales are booming as people from across the country turn to them for help slashing debt, preventing foreclosures or finding jobs.

Now pay attention to this paragraph;

Younger blacks are also discovering hoodoo. Angela Allen, a 30-year-old African-American in Atlanta, said none of her older relatives would ever talk to her about hoodoo because they considered it anti-Christian. But she became interested in the practice about three years ago after falling into heavy debt. "I felt desperate and I had to do something," she says. Little by little, her financial situation improved, she says. Now she regularly buys hoodoo online.

See it here;

Holy Hoodoo! Can you see how Satan must be laughing out loud at how easily people are deceived? First, get people to buy something they can't afford by using credit...then get them all desperate....then lead them to hoodoo (Satan-deceptive spirits)....then give them a little Mammon (money) to make them feel better...and you have a lifetime customer of hoodoo!

And Satan then has one more passenger on that Long Black Train.

How tragic. How terrifying.

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