
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pole Shift

I think we all remember from science class what the North Pole is. It's where our compasses point...and it's somewhere way up at the tippity-top of the globe. Some of us may even remember that the actual location of the pole moves around a few miles because of the earths iron core moving at a different speed than the earth's surface.

But last year the North Pole moved 40 miles closer to Russia. THAT'S 40 MILES! I first saw the story on NBC Nightly News and Brian Williams even seemed perplexed.

Today I found a news article to post; (interesting how he starts the article)

Don't think of this as another sign of the apocalypse, but Earth's magnetic north pole has been shifting enough that Tampa's airport has to repaint the numbers on its runways.

Tampa International Airport in Florida has closed its primary runway until Jan. 13 to change the numeric designations at each end, as well as the signage on taxiways leading to the runway. The Tampa Tribune said the runway had been designated 18R/36L, indicating its alignment along the 180-degree approach from the north and the 360-degree approach from the south. Now the numbers are being revised to read 19R/1L (190 degrees and 10 degrees).

For decades, the magnetic north pole has been migrating from Canadian Arctic territory toward Russia. That shift has accelerated in recent years, and current estimates suggest that the pole is moving at almost 40 miles a year.

See it here;

I guess we just add this to the list of strange things that man has no control over.

Maybe God wants us to trust in Him? Maybe he wants us to humble ourselves and realize that without Him we are worthless, weak, little blobs of flesh...hurtling through space on a spinning rock...that we have no capability of steering?

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