
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

PLO Raises Flag Over Washington

Not sure if this is "super-serious" for the health of the USA or just "serious".

Can we all please remember that there is NO SUCH THING as Palestinian people. They are simply Arabs living in Israel. There is no special language of this people group, no capital that history can point to, no kings that they can point to, no currency, no history whatsoever regarding a "Palestinian" people.

The fact that the world is now talking openly about the "Palestinian people" is simply more evidence that if you repeat a lie often enough and long enough....eventually all the people who remember the truth are dead...and soon folks tire of challenging the it creeps it's way into becoming "truth".

The PLO flag flew in Washington, DC for the first time Tuesday, with PLO officials hoisting their banner over their United States mission.

Chief of Mission Maen Areikat praised U.S. officials for allowing the flag to go up. “I think it indicates the willingness of the American administration to deal with the realities on the ground,” he said.

“It's about time that this flag that symbolizes the struggle of the Palestinian people for self-determination and statehood be raised in the United States,” Areikat stated.

The Obama administration's willingness to allow the flag to go up was met with criticism from Republican representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, head of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “Raising this flag in DC is part of the Palestinian leadership’s scheme to manipulate international acceptance and diplomatic recognition of a yet-to-be-created Palestinian state while refusing to directly negotiate with Israel or accept the existence of Israel as a democratic, Jewish state,” she said.

And wouldn't you know if on cue...the Russian government stepped forward to say they will support the idea of a Palestinian state....for the "Palestinian people".

JERICHO, January 18 (Itar-Tass) -- Russia supports the Palestinians’ inalienable right to establish their own independent state with the capital in East Jerusalem, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Tuesday after the talks with head of the Palestinian National Authority Mahmoud Abbas.

“Russia’s stand remains unchanged: we have supported and support the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to set up their own viable, territorially united and undivided state with the capital in East Jerusalem,” he said.

“Everyone stands to gain from the establishment of the Palestinian state – the Palestinians, the Israelis, and the entire region; it is necessary to strive for this,” said the head of the Russian state.

See it here;

Wow people! It's like the game pieces on this big game of THE LAST DAYS are moving into final positions at a pretty quick pace.

Remember that Ezekiel 38 tells us that Russia will lead a coalition in the Last Days to take out Israel and steal something of value that she has. The reasons for conflict between Russia and Israel continue to build on a weekly basis.

Also keep in mind that America seems to be eerily absent from any biblical Last Days we may be gone and/or incapable of coming to Israel's aid when this coalition gathers.

I wonder if allowing a PLO flag to fly over our nation's capital may be one more straw on the camel's back? more reason to have curses called down on us from heaven?

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