
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sun Rise Came Two Days Early

In our continuing attempt to bring you headlines about events that are the "biggest ever", "wettest ever", "never before seen".....we bring you this strange one which is "puzzling" scientists.

Novelist Ernest Hemingway wrote "The Sun Also Rises," and like everywhere on Earth, it also rose in the tiny fishing town of Ilulissat, Greenland on January 11, 2011.

Except the sun wasn't supposed to rise there until January 13th; it appeared in the sky a full two days early.

Astronomers agree that the sun should have ended its six week absence on January 13th. Yet as astounded residents of the tiny Greenland village watched, the sun crept up over the horizon at about 1 p.m. on the 11th. As far as anyone can determine, the sun has never risen this early.

See it here;

Now, of course, the puzzled scientists have rolled out an answer for why the sun appeared two days early (they better...because they have all sorts of astounded residents standing around saying, "What??")....the best explanation is that it has something to do with melting ice on the polar caps.

What?? Are they seriously going to make this a "global warming" issue too?

I have a better explanation;

"Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish.", says God. Isaiah 29:14

Maybe it's just me but the smart people seem to be coming up with stupider (is that even a word?) explanations as to what we are observing.

My favorite one was when 500 birds fell out of the sky in Lousiana and were scattered all over a road...and they rolled out a Government Smart Man (commonly called an "Official") and he said,
"We think they all struck a power line." When I heard that I said to myself, "Dude...seriously? Is that REALLY your final answer? That is SOOO dumb!"

Hat tip to Julie E.

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