
Saturday, February 19, 2011

12th Imam Managing Revolution

Obviously, something big is going on in the Muslim world. The protests are happening in multiple Muslim countries all at the same time. There can be no doubt from anyone that the world will never be the same.

Of course, Mr. Ahamdinejad in Iran (Persia) has not remained silent on the continuing chaos. He has an idea of WHO has been causing this great Muslim uprising.

The paragraphs below were taken from Joel Rosenberg's Flash Traffic;

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is telling the people of Iran that the Twelfth Imam is managing the the revolution now underway in Egypt and in various parts of the Islamic world, and that "the final move has begun" to destroy America, Israel and the influence of the Western powers in the epicenter.

"We will soon see a new Middle East materialising without America and the Zionist regime and there will be no room for world arrogance (the West) in it," Ahmadinejad told a crowd chanting "Death to America, death to Israel and death to Mubarak" last Friday. Agence France Presse reported that "in his fiery style, Ahmadinejad, showed his messianic beliefs on Friday, saying the world was witnessing a revolution managed by Imam Mahdi, the 12 Shiite imam who disappeared as a five-year-old in the 10th century and who Shiites believe would return on the judgement day."

"The final move has begun," said Ahmadinejad. "We are in the middle of a world revolution managed by this dear (12th Imam). A great awakening is unfolding. One can witness the hand of Imam in managing it."

The Twelfth Imam and Iranian eschatology are topics that deserve more attention than they are getting from the media or our government officials. Let us pray that our leaders wake up to the true gravity of the threat posed by Iran's apocalyptic regime before it is too late.

Yes, and this apocalyptic leader desperately wants some nuclear weapons. Those of us who are Bible believers understand that we are in the Last Days...we don't know the day or the hour but we can plainly see that the SEASON of the Lord's return is clearly at hand. But other than pray for Christ's return, we certainly are not going to do anything to hasten Christ's return...even if we could.

But what happens if over 1 billion Muslims start to believe that the 12th Imam is coming and believe it is their duty to bring about the chaos necessary to hasten his return? Would it be possible for them to cause some chaos? You better believe it.

Our battle is NOT with flesh and blood. There is a MAJOR spiritual battle going on in the heavenlies as we speak.

We may not know the exact details of how the Tribulation will play out....but we DO KNOW how the story ends.

Thank you Jesus!

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