
Friday, February 18, 2011

Tipping Point

Yes, it's true. I have been posting frequently on the tenuous financial condition of the U.S. Some of you might be saying, "OK Dennis! We get it!! Things are bad, we are all broke...but can't we talk about something else?"

I wish we could, believe me, I wish we could.

But....I am still running into the vast majority of the folks that I know that clearly have NO IDEA what it may look like if the United States starts experiencing a very sudden collapse. And until I see more eyes open to the severity of what is coming....I have to continue pointing out the extreme condition of the conundrum we have cooked for ourselves.

Today I ran across this article simply titled, A TIPPING POINT IS NEARING

We are facing a tipping point. There will soon be a crisis affecting US citizens beyond any experienced since the Great Depression. And it may happen within the year. This past week three awful developments put a dagger into the hope for a growth-led recovery, which held promise of possibly averting a debt and currency implosion crushing the American economy.

So why do these developments argue for a crisis of Great Depression proportions? Because they speak unequivocally of our pathway to insolvency, and the potential of currency failure via hyperinflation, despite the hopes of conservatives and market participants to see a halt of such direction. Housing prices, the foundation of so much of private citizen debt loads, are destined for stagnation -- not inflation -- as the supply of homes is far greater than the demand -- 11% of the nation's homes stand empty today. When the world begins to recognize that there is no fix for America's borrowings, a fast and brutal exodus from our currency and bonds can send us a shock in mere weeks or months.

Unlike the Great Depression, however, we will enter such a shock in a weakened state, with few producers among us and record mountains of debt. More cataclysmic is the specter of inadequate food, as less than 4% of us farm, and those that do may cease to be as productive or may not accept devalued currency as payment, should the tipping point be crossed. Corn and wheat prices in the U.S. have nearly doubled in less than 12 months, using our rapidly evaporating currency as the medium of exchange.

The time for action has passed, which may only become apparent as the "aid" of easy money becomes seen as the harm that it is. May we all be spared the worst, but I offer no such prayers for those responsible. The harm that comes will be swifter, and more severe, than most of them thought possible.

See it here;

This author has put into article form all we have been talking about for the past years. It is time for a sober assessment of our lives and how we then shall live if Christ allows us to see these wicked times. Will we steal? Will we rob? Will we panic? Will we share what little we have with others? Will we be a light in the darkness...or will we just become part of the darkness?

Let's look at what the Prophet Daniel did as the dark days for Judah unfolded;
"But Daniel resolved not do defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way." Daniel 1:8

So Daniel had made up his mind BEFORE (resolved) the situation arose. In the same way we better be making up our minds for how we and our families will behave and react so that God will continue to be glorified through our matter how dark it may get before Christ returns for us.


  1. Hey Dennis,

    Doing some reading thought I would share.

    Question, who do you think the people of the Cave really are?

    The author Imam Abu Ishaaq Thulbi in his exegesis of the Holy Quran with regards to the incident of the people of the Cave says: They took their places of sleep and remained therein until the end of time when Mahdi shall emerge. Then Allah will make them alive. Later they shall return back to their sleeping places and will not rise until the Day of Judgment.



  2. How about 2 Peter 2:4..."For if God did not spare angels when they sinned (fallen angels copulating with women) but sent them to hell (Tartarus=Cave?) putting them in gloomy dungeons to be held til judgment."

    Revelation also tells us this abyss will be opened and these Tartaus demons will be out....when Christ returns they will be put back into the Abyss and then on the day of judgment they will rise. Remember Paul tells us to settle our difference out of court...because one day we will be juding we should be able to judge small disputes within the church. 1 Corinthians 6:3 "Do you not know that we will judge angels?"

    Just a quick thought.

  3. Hi Dennis,

    Great response. You get the gold star! :-) LOL!

    Thanks April! Just had to share.

    I was reading the book of Enoch, the Egyptian book of the dead, and some other ancient stuff over the last few weeks.

    In contemporary terms I am thinking that the Nephilim rocked the house and knew how to party.

    Hope your watching the Middle east. The final moves are being played out according to Iran. Here is a link below that you can follow the next flotilla on. The Iranian ships have approval to head through the Suez. Lebanon is preparing to invade Galilee. Egypt has just turned off natural gas to Isreal. The Sinai in in Anarchy. The Arab world is in revolt.

    Yours in Christ,


  4. Hey Tom,
    I have the book of Enoch on my dresser and peruse it regularly. Lots of detail on the Nephilim there and also Enoch fills in the answer to who the angels are that Peter speaks of who are held in the abyss.

    Also I will get you a video of a special forces dude who was digging underground military base in Nevada and they came upon a pit of demons. You have to watch his video for some more hints on what is down there.
