
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

200 Dead Cows Mystery Solved

Dead birds, dead cows, dead fish. What up with that?

Well the good news is that scientists have solved the 200 dead cows found in a pasture in Wisconsin a few weeks back....drum roll please....They ate too many bad sweet potatoes.

Authorities investigating the deaths of 200 cows in Wisconsin have come up with an unlikely culprit: the sweet potato.

The cows were found dead in a Stockton pasture two weeks ago. Locals were left scratching their heads about what caused the mass die-off.

Investigators from the University of Wisconsin have determined that the animals were killed by a poison found in spoiled sweet potatoes that were part of the cattle's feed.

See it here;

That's a relief! For a moment there I thought God was trying to get our attention! Whew!

At the end of the article though, we still find this lame excuse about how 5000 black birds all managed to die of blunt force trauma all at the same time.

The thousands of red-winged blackbirds that dropped out of the sky in Arkansas on Dec. 31 apparently died of blunt force trauma. Investigators say loud noises prompted the birds to take a rare night flight, and that they likely slammed into objects such as trees and houses.

Well anyway, the good news is that we have solved one dead animal mystery and now only have 50 or 60 more to solve.

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