
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

China Says What?

This article is claiming that Chinese National TV is reporting that the Obama administration is soon going to make a disclosure about UFO's and extraterrestrial life.

Chinese National Television Xinhua news is now reporting an impending extraterrestrial disclosure by the Obama administration.

The unprecedented national China TV news bulletin that U.S. President Barack Obama may be preparing to disclose U.S. relations with specific extraterrestrial races was broadcast on the official channel Xinhua on January 4, 2011 on the eve of China President Hu Jintao's state visit to the United States.

The first nation to authoritatively announce the Extraterrestrial presence stands to gain world prestige and trust in the eyes of the increasingly extraterrestrially-sophisticated more than 6.89 billion persons populating the Earth at this time.

Continue reading on Chinese National TV reporting impending UFO/ET disclosure by Obama government - Seattle exopolitics

Did you catch that phrase, "prestige and trust"?

I have NO IDEA if this is true or just a National Enquirer type of article. What I do know is that the media of the world is growing more convinced of an alien agenda all the time.

Also, can you imagine the confusion for the people of planet earth if an announcement like this WAS actually made?

Deception is coming.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Hope your day is starting well. Here is a great read. It is the best overview of what is happening in the Middle east I have seen.

    You can fill in the blanks with Scripture and you get sequence of events and time-lines.

    The next several months are going to be very interesting.



  2. Hi Dennis,

    An Overview of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's Stance on U.S. and Jihad; Translation of Its Draft Political Platform.

    The Peace Treaty with Israel Will Be Reexamined.



  3. Dude,

    It made main stream news!

    This is out there for me. But I thought you would like it.

    'UFO' Hovers Over Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock Shrine



  4. Hey Tom,
    crazy demons! Do they really think they can parade around pretending to be aliens from lightyears away without tipping off the Children of the Light?

    Seriously....this will deceive the world in a HUGE way....because when they come, the will be bringing their own gospel...and it will not be the Truth.

    Pray that massive deception won't come until AFTER the rapture.
