
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fires for Decades

So how long might it be before we have a functioning government in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Bahrain, Sudan, etc.... Are the people of those countries even CAPABLE of forming a somewhat moral democracy that truly cares about doing what's best for the people who elected them?

I wouldn't hold my breath that we will EVER see that happen. I believe the Lord may return before that day comes.

The President of Russia does not have a Biblical world view, but he came out today and said that the current uprising in the Arab world will burn fires for decades.

MOSCOW – Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday predicted decades of instability in the Arab world if protesters whom he called fanatics come to power, adding no such scenario will be permitted at home.

Medvedev's words fall in sharp contrast with the European Union, which said in a statement on Monday that it "deplores the violence" and "repression" against the pro-democracy protesters by authorities in one of the troublespots, Libya.

Speaking at a security meeting in the Caucasus city of Vladikavkaz, Medvedev didn't name countries, but he was referring to the crisis in the Middle East and North Africa — which has brought down governments in Tunisia and Egypt and sparked protests in Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Iran, Morocco and Jordan.

"These states are difficult, and it is quite probable that hard times are ahead, including the arrival at power of fanatics. This will mean fires for decades and the spread of extremism," Medvedev said in televised comments.

Any attempts to repeat the unrest in Russia would be quashed, he said.

See it here;

Of course it is interesting to see what the leader of Russia has to say about some of these Muslim nations...because the Bible tells us in Ezekiel 38, that Russia will lead a coalition of Muslim nations in an attempt to wipe out Israel and take what they have.

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