
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Solar Katrina

Remember what a massive event hurricane Katrina was in New Orleans? It was a "perfect storm" that blew in just at the right angle with massive winds and basically destroyed huge parts of the city....and they will never be rebuilt again.

Scientists continue to issue warnings about the growing solar storms that are coming our way.

I had two readers send me two different articles that talk about a "Global Katrina" that could put power out for months.

Remember folks, if the power goes out for months in sure better hope you have some food tucked away in your closet, because you won't find a biscuit for 30 miles.

If the storm is powerful enough it could even crash stock markets and cause power cuts that last weeks or months, experts told the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Read more:


Worsening solar storms could shut down telecommunications, ground airline service and even lead to global blackouts, scientists and government officials warned in Washington, D.C.

People need to be aware of the dire consequences a massive solar storm could have on the global infrastructure, Helena Lindberg of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency said at a panel discussion on solar storms at the American Association for the Advancement of Science's annual meeting

"I'm not talking about days or weeks, but several months without electric power, blackouts, across large regions of Europe and the U.S.," she said.

Scientists have been warning for several years that the Earth is entering a new solar cycle characterized by more intense and frequent solar storms, where the sun releases large bursts of electrified gasses. Those storms can disrupt satellites, including the Global Positioning System; fry electronic devices; and even disrupt the electricity grid.

See it here;

Seriously folks...with all this news of collapsing countries, collapsing bee colonies, earthquakes, volcanoes, solar storms, planet killing meteors, raping, pillaging and would anyone keep their head sane UNLESS they had Jesus Christ?

If you happen to be reading this blog and DON'T know Jesus...feel free to send me a comment (that I won't publish) and I would be blessed to tell you about Him.

Hat tip to Kevin W. and Becky M.

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