
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Messiah Coming

Author Joel Rosenberg sent out his Flash Traffic today. I have linked his blog below, and here is the interesting part;

A number of influential rabbis say unrest in the Arab world signals the coming of the War of Gog and Magog and the soon coming of the Messiah, reported a leading Israeli news service on Wednesday.

The article is consistent with similar reports in recent years suggesting that a growing number of rabbis believe the War of Gog and Magog and the Messiah are coming soon.

Rabbi Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz, for example, described in the Ynet News article as “a prominent rabbi,” is reportedly “certain that God is causing the turmoil in order to put the people in their place.” Said Lefkowitz: ”God goes and humiliates (those feeling) sinful pride. At first there was this little fire here, and a state that thought that it is big and strong suddenly needed help from the entire world. Not a war, nothing special, just a small fire.”

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, described in the Ynet article as an “unconventional Lithuanian leader who is believed to have mystic powers,” recently spoke of the tumultuous events underway in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Iran and elsewhere in the Middle East. “People have come to me and said that it’s ‘Gog and Magog,’” he said. “We cannot know. But it’s probable that any unrest that God creates shows that the Messiah is coming, and that we must begin to prepare for it and become stronger.”

See it here;

We know that the Jews (Israel) will start looking for the Messiah as their future grows more uncertain. Sadly, since they rejected Jesus when he was on earth, they WILL suffer severely when they mistakenly accept the Antichrist as their Messiah. This won't become obvious to many until the Antichrist sets himself up in the Temple in Jerusalem and declares himself to be God.

Pray for Israel. And pray for any Jews that you know personally who DO NOT know Christ. It's not too late to offer them the Gospel so they could be spared the coming Tribulation. More Jews are now coming to Christ that at any other the harvest is at hand.

Also friends...remember to keep looking up, for you redemption is nigh.

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