
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More on 12th Imam

We have written on the 12th Imam a few times over the past years. Once you begin to understand what many in the Muslim world believe about this mythical being who will come in the very last helps one to understand what many in the Muslim world are up to....and what THEIR blessed hope may be.

The more details you understand about this character, the more it seems to fit the characteristics of what the Bible tells us about the coming Antichrist.

So when the President of Iran gets up to give a speech at the United Nations and opens it with a prayer to the 12th Imam, inviting him to hasten his return....I pray our leaders know WHO he is praying to.

We turn on our radios and TV’s everyday, and if you’re like me, you wonder what has happened since I last listened? What has caught the attention of the people of this world and points to a world that is imploding upon itself? It’s all around us. The news of the unrest in theMiddle East. The spreading anarchy and rebellion in the hearts of the Arab nations yearning for what they believe in. They wish for the destruction of the western way of life, the return of their 12th Imam, known as the Mahdi and the enslavement of all infidels to the sword of their god, called Allah. It’s part of their belief system. Don’t believe it, then read on.

So what is their belief when it comes to this Mahdi, or the return of the 12th Imam? People are very uninformed if they do not understand what is behind all the chaos involved in the cradle of civilization known as the Middle East surrounding God’s Holy Land, known today as Israel. So who is this missing 12th Imam they speak of?

Most accounts of the story say that al Mahdi went into hiding as a child around the age of 5 years (about 13th Century). It said he has been ‘in hiding’ in caves ever since but will supernaturally return just before the Day of Judgment. According to the Hadith the criteria for the Hidden Imam are:

  • He will be a descendant of Muhammad and the son of Fatima
  • Will have a broad forehead and pointed nose
  • Will return just before the end of the world
  • His appearance will be preceded by a number of prophetic events during 3 years of horrendous world chaos, tyranny and oppression
  • Will escape from Madina to Mekkah, (Mecca) thousands will pledge allegiance to him
  • Will rule over the Arabs and the world for 7 years
  • Will eradicate all tyranny and oppression bringing harmony and total peace
  • Will lead a prayer in Mecca which Jesus will be at his side and follow in.

He is believed to be coming back to set up an Islamic Caliphate and rule in the end of time and bring Islamic Sharia law to the world and make Islam supreme in all the land and this Mahdi is considered to be “divine”.

So when you see Ahmadinejad yesterday telling the world that the current order of the world is soon passing away and he tells his listeners to imagine a day where Israel and the U.S. don't exist because "the one" who is bringing justice is soon coming...we better understand what he believes.

Furthermore we better understand that Ahmadinejad, and other Muslims, believe it is THEIR role to help usher in the chaos necessary to hasten his return.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    For what it is worth I would like to provide my limited understanding of the Iranian Shia Islamic end game.

    Ummah awakened, Islamic Turkish Unification, Ratification of the Islamic Unity Treaty, Emergence of the 3 brothers (kingdoms), One brother subdues the others, March of the Black Flag Army, Caliphate established, Great army swallowed up by ground, Conquest, Jerusalem – Constantinople - Rome, Jihad Wars with ample martyrdom opportunities, Annihilation of Israel, Treaty with the Jews for 7 8 or 9 years, burning of bows and weapons for 7 years, Savior of mankind Hazrat Mahdi revealed, Liberation of Mecca, Arabs are subdued, Seat of Imam Mahdi’s power set up in Kufa (Bablyon), Rock of Moses recovered, Mahdi assumes Caliphate leadership, Ark of the covenant is brought forth, Rightly guided Tanakh and gospel are found, Temple is established in Jerusalem, Dajjal Is Killed, the rule of the Law of David (Islamic Version) reinstated, The people of the cave awakened to rule alongside the Mahdi, people of the book convert or are done away with, The whole world comes to Islam, Final Dajjal splits the east from the west and all must fight him, End of the world, Then the Day of Judgment.

    These may be greatly out of order. But are the high points that I recall from my readings of various Hadiths. Please provide feedback and edits as you see appropriate.



  2. Hi Dennis,

    Random thoughts.

    11 March is the day of rage for Saudi Arabia, Iran will be working to fill the vacuum.

    The flotilla to Gaza sails in early April. Iran is ready to ride shotgun for them. I checked out the specs of their ships. They have game. It will be bloody if they come to blows with the Jews. I suspect there are IRGC troops aboard as the supreme leader pledged in Friday prayers.

    Hezbollah said they will start shooting from the north if Iran comes to blows with Israel.

    The MB rep in Egypt said that the treaty with Israel is OK until provocation and then they will go to war.

    I suspect that Isaiah 17 is approaching due to the fact that Israel's Liberman said they will destroy Damascus if Syria joins Hezbollah. He cites Amos 1:4 as justification.

    Syria has said they are pledged to support Hezbollah in the next war.

    The Iranian ships are making the port in Syria their Mediterranean home base.

    Russia has invested billions in this same port. When it is attacked they are sure going to be pissed.

    I suspect that Russia will toss their hat in the ring with the black flag Army as they march to Jerusalem.

    The final dominoes are being put into place.

    May you have oil in your lamb and your light burn brightly.

    Soon, in a twinkling of an eye we will find ourselves in front of glory.

    Yours in Christ,


    PS, Had a dream of Malachi 3:16-18 last night. So cool.

  3. Awesome comments Tom! Love the Malachi passage! Would love to hear what the dream was about.

    I don't have much editing on your thoughts about the main points of the Muslim understanding of last days as that would be your expertise and not mine. I will try and tuck all you said into my brain and see how things develop.

    Just heard on the news that Ahmadinejad is claiming this is the start of chaos that will usher in the 12th maybe this whole thing is going to be the FINAL CONTRACTION that gives birth to the Tribulation...which gives birth to Christ ruling at the Millenium! Awesome!

  4. There is that Damascus thing again...

    On his arrival in the Syrian capital city of Damascus, Sayyari said Iranian warships will accomplish their mission heedless of Israel's hue and cry and phony threats.

    Yea, about that.



  5. The Iranian ships are in Latakia one of the pots that the Russians have been putting lots of money into.


