
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Obama Creates 1000 Jobs!

This story is one of those "good news-bad news" stories.

The good news is that ObamaCare is going to require the IRS to hire 1000 new auditors to make sure that all the businesses are paying their required taxes into it.

The bad news is that the Federal Government is going to have to pay wages and benefits for 1000 new auditors for the collect one more new tax on our already overtaxed companies.

Boy...that ought to help to make our economy HUMMMMM!!!

The Internal Revenue Service says it will need an battalion of 1,054 new auditors and staffers and new facilities at a cost to taxpayers of more than $359 million in fiscal 2012 just to watch over the initial implementation of President Obama's healthcare reforms. Among the new corps will be 81 workers assigned to make sure tanning salons pay a new 10 percent excise tax. Their cost: $11.5 million.

See it here;

Once upon a time there was farmer with a milk cow. The cow was such a good cow that she gave lots of milk....more than the farmer and his family could drink. So he decided to sell some to the neighbors. It wasn't long before the local government caught wind of this new business. "We had better get a government health inspector to analyze the milk"...they said. "We had also better get an auditor to make sure he is paying for ObamaCare", said another. "We better force him to buy liability insurance in case the neighbor barfs on that whole milk", said another. "We should take some of this sales proceeds and make a Department of Dairy so we can aid all the other people who will one day want to sell milk to their neighbors," said one more.

A few weeks later the farmer saw the hassle with compliance, insurance, paper work, inspectors on his farm and the small amount of money he was actually keeping by selling the milk....and he poured the extra milk down the drain.

Now fast forward to it any wonder we aren't creating any jobs except for those created by the Government....which adds not one single dime to the productivity of our nation??

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Wow, Oil is up today. The Iranian ships are going through the Suez. Liberman is threatening to take action. Tunisa is turning into an Islamic state. The MB is helping rewrite the Egyptian constitution. And President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has told cheering crowds celebrating the 32nd anniversary of the Iranian Revolution that the Mahdi, the Muslim version of the messiah, is managing the Egyptian Revolution and global affairs, and that he will soon deal with the 'child of Satan' - the United States.

    He is going to be so surprised when he finds our who he has been working for!


