
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

War Between Pakistan and U.S. on Horizon?

A few weeks back there was a U.S. Embassy worker in Pakistan who feared for his life during a robbery, so he pulled out a pistol and killed a few people who he claimed were attacking him. He then called some folks back at the Embassy to come and get him and when the truck came speeding to the scene, I believe it ran over someone else and killed them.

Needless to say...the Pakistanis are really mad. A better phrase would be P.O.'d. They want to hang this dude sooner than later.

But in rides Senator John Kerry who will be pleading for his release and reminding Pakistan how many $billions we give them in free money every year....and threatening to cut that off unless they free this guy.

See that here;

So what else is making Pakistan mad at us? Well, we keep bombing Pakistan with our drones saying it is spillover from the war in Afghanistan for one. Also remember that there are BOATLOADS of Muslim Extremists in that country...and they hate us for all the basic Muslim hate reasons. And now if you throw in much credible evidence that the Pakistani Military (ISI) is sabotaging America war efforts in Afghanistan...and Pakistan is being pushed by China which is growing increasingly belligerent towards the have all the ingredients necessary for the U.S. and Pakistan to start shooting at each other.

Let's look at some other intelligence;

The U.S.-led war against the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and other terrorist groups in Afghanistan has deteriorated into a growing open conflict with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), and threatens to rapidly fall into a full-blown war with Pakistan. Signs of such an upcoming clash between Pakistan and the U.S. can already be seen.

In anticipation of such a full-scale clash with America, Pakistan is seeking an enhanced role for China on its side, thereby triggering a possible superpower clash, involving the U.S., China, Russia, NATO powers, and other regional players.

See much more credible evidence here;

The China info is incredibly interesting. We need them to keep refinancing our debt and loaning us more money! How do you fight a war with your major creditor?

"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but he end is still to come."...says Jesus.

I have always known that Pakistan is a key in the region. I just didn't realize how close we were to having a war with them. Also please remember that Pakistan is the only Muslim nation that possesses nuclear weapons. What happens if those missiles fall into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood? You can see how close we are to a day when the world simply falls into utter, unmanageable chaos.

If that day comes....who will we hold onto?

Hat tip to Tom F.

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