
Friday, February 4, 2011

Obama's Suicide in Middle East

This writer for Israel National News doesn't pull any punches. He paints what is coming for Egypt in very plain language....and Obama is seen as weak,(or worse?) which is why this is all unraveling.

Possibly in the vain hope that the Arab mobs will begin to like America, U.S. President Obama has, in a historic move, “humiliated and betrayed his best ally in the Arab world.” So says Middle East analyst Dr. Guy Bechor of the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya.

Suicidal Move
In response to the obvious question of why Obama is doing this, Bechor said, “I really can’t explain it. It is suicidal. America is toppling its main allies in the region, after it did the same with Iraq and Iran, and this will have grave ramifications for its few remaining allies – Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Morocco. Algeria is also endangered, as is Syria – to which the U.S. has come close of late, and with which the Muslim Brotherhood has a long reckoning.”

Bechor does not see a bright future for the region: “What I think will happen in the end is that the Muslim Brotherhood - which I believe has the support of more than half the country, and is viewed as the only realistic alternative – will take control of the country, including its wealth of modern American weapons. Keep in mind that Egypt has tried everything – a republic, a monarchy, Communism, leadership of the Arab world, fighting against the Arab world – everything except for an Islamic government. So I think that there will now be many months of anarchy, terrorist attacks and economic problems, at the end of which the Muslim Brotherhood will come to power and ally itself with Hamas – for they are both the same.”

See it here;

Ouch! That doesn't sound very good for what is coming...for us, for Egypt AND for Israel.

Poor Obama. I am actually starting to have pity for the guy. He has such a wonderful college degree and was even a professor! It's hard to understand why spending your life on liberal campuses didn't prepare him to deal with the angry tyrants and Muslim despots who rule the world. (insert sarcasm...again!)

Maybe if he gave them all a gift certificate to B Dalton Books...they would start to unclench their fists?

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