
Saturday, February 5, 2011

"Perfect Storm" Forming in Middle East

Hilary Clinton is saying a "perfect storm" may be forming in the Middle East if the leaders there don't play it right.

Hmmm.....I wonder what the chances are of having Middle East leaders playing it right?

Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, has warned of a "perfect storm" enveloping the Middle East if leaders do not implement political and social reforms to meet the demands of their people.

"The region is being battered by a perfect storm of powerful trends," Clinton said.

She said change is a "strategic necessity" that will make Arab nations stronger and their people more prosperous and less susceptible to extremist ideologies.

Well Hilary....we can only hope that making the people of Egypt more prosperous will make them less susceptible to extremist ideologies.

I guess the flip side would be that making them more prosperous may enable the Muslim Brotherhood to buy bigger bombs and more planes to carry out their #1 stated objective....the destruction of Israel.

I'm glad God has the whole thing figured out....because looking at the situation from ground level makes it look pretty difficult.

"All things are possible with God," says God.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Clinton champions Democracy. The will of the people. In this case Democracy = Sharia law due to majority rule.

    Issiah 19 1:4


