Thursday, February 10, 2011

Terrorist Threat is High

In our previous post we wrote about a home-grown terrorist in North Carolina. Turns out he is a Muslim.

Today we have a headline from Janet Napolitano, who is the secretary of Homeland Security. She is telling us that the terrorist threat is as high today as it was right before 9/11....and it sounds like she may be most concerned about home-grown terrorists.

But the panel’s debut session on Wednesday with two of the government’s top counterterrorism officials underscored an increasingly familiar and commonly accepted concern: One of the most serious emerging threats to the country is posed by radicalized American citizens or residents capable of carrying out terrorist attacks with little or no warning.

The increase in homegrown terrorists inspired by, but not necessarily directed from, Al Qaeda’s headquarters in Pakistan or its affiliates in Yemen and Africa, has forced the Obama administration to scramble to thwart a small but rapidly evolving domestic threat that authorities say is much more difficult to detect than most foreign-based plots.

“In some ways, the threat today may be at its most heightened state since the attacks nearly 10 years ago,”Janet Napolitano, the secretary of homeland security, told lawmakers.

Now pay attention to this next paragraph;

After years of largely playing down the threat of homegrown terrorists more common in Europe, American officials are now rushing to catch up, enlisting the help and playbooks of counterterrorism officials from Canada, Britain and other countries with more experience in dealing with domestic extremism.

Let me translate that first paragraph....remember this article is from the New York sometimes needs to be translated from "liberal worldview" into "Biblical worldview".

Here is how it translates:

"After years of saying that Islam in a "religion of peace", and totally ignoring what is being taught in Muslim schools from Virginia to California, and refusing to understand how a firm understanding of the Koran leads people to have Satanic hatred for almost everything that is not Islamic, American officials are now rushing to catch up."

See it here;

So will they ever "catch up"? Or have we allowed the devil to set up camps right in our very midst? And now that his foot soldiers have been trained...they are being released to seek and destroy.

We know that the USA isn't anywhere to be found in the Last Days prophecies. I know that the rapture of the church would seal our destruction....but I also know that a nuclear bomb going off in downtown New York would also seal our destruction.

The Bible tells us that the things of this world are passing away. Do we believe it? Are we ready to see it?


Blogger Tom said...


Hosni Mubarak 'may step down'
Ruling party officials suggest Egypt's president may 'meet protesters demands', as army continues to monitor situation.

Wow! how long before war erupts?



February 10, 2011 at 10:36 AM  

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