
Friday, March 18, 2011

Crystal Cathedral in Trouble Again

Robert Shuller's old church is in the headline news again today. Earlier they made headlines for filing for it's for suggesting that what the Bible says is actually true...and the world had an immediate hissy-fit.

The Crystal Cathedral church in Garden Grove is involved in another controversy, this time over a covenant that choir members were asked to sign stating that God intends sex to be between married heterosexuals.

"Crystal Cathedral ministries believes that it is important to teach and model the biblical view," reads the paragraph in the Crystal Cathedral Worship Choir and Worship Team Covenant that has raised the ire of some choir members. "I understand that Crystal Cathedral Ministries teaches that sexual intimacy is intended by God to only be within the bonds of marriage, between one man and one woman."

In a statement Tuesday, Senior Pastor Sheila Schuller Coleman said the covenant is meant to clarify expectations placed on choir members as ministry leaders. But she also offered an apology.

"The church of Jesus Christ at large is grappling with the challenge of reconciling love and adherence to God's word, even those passages that challenge us," she said. "As the church has been engaging in this sensitive dialogue, people that we care for deeply have been hurt. We are sincerely sorry."


On Wednesday, church founder Robert H. Schuller said he strongly disapproved of the covenant because it goes against what he has built his church upon.

"I have a reputation worldwide of being tolerant of all people and their views," he told the Orange County Register. "I'm too well-educated to criticize a certain religion or group of people for what they believe in. It's called freedom."

See it here;,0,3514895.story

OH--MY--GOODNESS! Can you even believe that?? Robert is tolerant of all people and their views....because he is SO well educated! Can anyone say the phrase, "liberal elite"?

Hey Robert...then why are you so INTOLERANT toward people who believe what the Bible says? For someone claiming to be seem very INTOLERANT towards Bible believers. So doesn't that make you INTOLERANT since you are non-accepting of that specific group?

Hey Robert...follow up question for you....if someone in your choir was participating in group-sex or extra-marital sex behind their wife's back....or if someone was found out to be having sex with their pet monkey at home....would you still be tolerant of all that behavior too? At what point would you become intolerant of perverse behavior?

1 Timothy 1:8-11

8 We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine 11 that conforms to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.

Interesting....I wonder if Robert would be tolerant of slave traders, liars and perjurers? I wonder if they could all sing in his choir too?

At what point does one's behavior and/or lack of balance in one's personal life disqualify you from leading worship...which is what a choir and/or praise team does?

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