
Saturday, March 19, 2011

End of the World is Near

Many of you have listened to Pastor Greg Laurie. KTIS AM in Minneapolis plays his sermons every weekday about 1:00

Anyone who listens to him know that he has an urgency about his preaching, and now this article would explain the reason why.

Every generation has cried "the end of the world is near." Yet "here we are still," noted one SouthernCalifornia pastor.

"Haven't we heard this all before?" Greg Laurie acknowledged on Sunday. "Every generation ... that has thought it was the generation that would see the Lord's return has been wrong because he didn't come, did he?"

He listed the dramatic escalation of global wars and terrorism, the push for unity or globalism, the change in world economics toward a cashless society, the unprecedented increase of killer earthquakes, and false teaching permeating the church.

The world isn't quite yet at the seven-year Tribulation Period that the Bible prophesies, Laurie said, but he believes it's close.

"That means the return of Jesus Christ is even closer yet," he said.

See it here;

Pastor Laurie is right on target here folks. He is NOT setting dates, he is just looking at the signs, as Jesus told us too, and coming to the conclusion that we are in the season. We can see the buds on the we can KNOW that spring is close. We don't know the day or the hour that those buds will pop and become leaves....but we know that the next phase of that bud is to become a leaf.

In the same way, the birth pangs have started and have become much more we know that the Tribulation is about to be birthed on this earth....and we know the rapture comes first. So how much time do we have to be busy about the Master's work?

Let's make every day count for something. Let's finish the race strong! Let's plan on getting some crowns so we have something to lay at Jesus feet when we see him.

Amen! Even so, come Lord Jesus.


  1. I was raised a "pre-tribulation" rapture believer too...but have you found any scriptures to back this? as the end gets nearer...our family feels led to prepare in case we, as christians will go thru some of the 7 horrific years. I don't want to...but I sure would like to read God's Word that comforts my hopes of Jesus returning before the SHTF

  2. Hi Jen,
    there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Also first and second Thessalonians are loaded with hints that when we hear the trumpet...we will see the dead in Christ rise and then we will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye, and given our new bodies and then will be caught up in the clouds to meet Jesus.

    So while I am postive we will not suffer GOD's wrath...just as he took Noah BEFORE the flood..and just he he took Lot before Sodom was destroyed....we have no guarantees about what we might be subjected to as the world continues to shutter in birth pangs and Satan continues to build deception everywhere we look. There is also a promise in the Bible that ALL who believe in Jesus will be persecuted, but that persecution will NOT come from God.

    So I would advise you to make some preparations for a long winter, just like our grandparents had root cellars with all sorts of canned goods...but if you think you can lay up enough today to stay alive for 7 years...and keep those goods from 3 million hungry folks in Minneapolis....I can't quite imagine what that would be.

    Also, as I have said in the past, it might be that you are feeling led to lay up some food and provisions because God is going to use the stuff you left behind to care for the Tribulation saints who also will be left behind, and won't find Christ until AFTER the rapture.

    Just using some good old fashioned common sense could go a long way because this society has become TOTALLY devoid of common sense...and won't be able to care for themselves for one single day if we lose electricity for a week or two or even a month or two.

    Continue to study the word of God and ask the Holy Spirit what he wants YOUR FAMILY to do in these last days.


  3. Hi Dennis,

    Here is a link with lots of information for Jen on the Premillennial Dispensational position of the rapture.

    I have spent many hours reading these articles. They are great faith builders.



  4. thanks for the comment, dennis. :)

    tom, I appreciate all the reading links you provided. I'll be busy studying the next few weeks.

    blessings to you both!
