
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dead Sardines

In the past few months, it seems we have had lots of animals dying from mysterious or "rare" causes.

Today in California we have another one, that is "puzzling":

Millions of dead sardines have been found floating in a marina just south of Los Angeles, puzzling authorities and triggering a massive clean-up effort.

Footage showed masses of dead fish, said by a police spokesman to be about a foot deep on the surface, choking the waters in and around dozens of private boat slips in King Harbour Marina in Redondo Beach.

"There's nothing that appears to be out of sorts, no oil sheen, no chemicals, no sign of any kind of illegal activity," he said. "As one fisherman just told me, this is natural selection." Hughan said such incidents were rare but not unheard of.

See it here;

So officials are telling us that this event simply falls into the "rare" category.

Follow up question.....does it seem like there are lots of "rare" things happening as of late? Maybe there have always been "rare" things happening...but until recently we never had the Internet to keep us up to date on things happening all over the world? I honestly don't know.

The book of Daniel tells us that in the last days, "...knowledge shall increase." I wonder if all of this information and technology, that has literally come on the world like a flood in the last 10 years, is what Gabriel was talking about as he gave those words to Daniel?

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