
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Muslim on Christian Violence

Egypt is still in turmoil. Even though the morning news shows are onto other stories, like Libya and Charlie Sheen....Egypt is far from being back to "normal".

So today we have some discouraging news coming out of Egypt regarding our Christ following brothers and sisters in Egypt.

Clashes between Muslims and Christians in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, have left 11 people dead and more than 90 wounded.

The clashes broke out on Tuesday night as thousands of Christians protested against the burning of a Cairo church last week. The church was set on fire after tensions escalated over a love affair between a Muslim and a Christian that set off a violent feud between the couple's families.

Security and hospital officials said six Christians and five Muslims died from gunshot wounds and 94 people – 73 Muslims and 21 Christians – were wounded.

See it here;

We can't know for sure who started the violence BUT let's take an educated guess.... First off have a Christian and Muslim in a love affair which of course made the Muslims mad enough to burn down a Christian church. (this is the first irrational act) Next, the Christians protest the burning of their church because they realize they have little or no hope of getting any justice from the courts in Egypt which are slanted heavily in Islam's favor. And as the crowd of Christians gather....a crowd of Muslims gather to shout the infidels down and violence erupts that leaves 11 people dead.

I wonder if that's how it happened?

Take note that of the 94 people wounded in the battle 73 were Muslims and 21 were it would appear that this particular group of Christians were not content to sit on the street corner and sing, "Give Peace a Chance" or "We are the World" or even "Kum-ba-yah".


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