
Monday, March 14, 2011

Earthquake Could Set Off Financial Storm

Many of you know that Japan was in serious financial trouble BEFORE the earthquake. Many of you also know that Japan owns $billions of U.S. Treasuries.

So what happens if Japan needs to cash in the hundred of billions of U.S. Treasuries to pay for the rebuilding of the country? Where will the U.S. Treasury get the money to pay off Japan?

Of course we know the answer.....they will either have to give Japan some printed paper money (which will further collapse our currency) or they will have to have even more auctions and cross their fingers some other country will come and buy more Treasury IOU's so we can then take THEIR money and pay off Japan.

Is it possible that the earthquake in Japan could be the trigger we have been looking for that will send the western financial world into a death spiral?

If you haven't already made some "just in case" would be a good time to think about getting started.

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