
Monday, March 14, 2011

U.S. Dollar Collapse Could Happen Any Day Now

Interesting that the National Inflation Association put out this warning right BEFORE the quake struck Japan.

U.S. Dollar Collapse Could Occur at Any Time

China this morning reported 4.9% price inflation for the month of February, exceeding analyst expectations of 4.8%. With China now mimicking the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and taking steps to artificially manipulate their consumer price index (CPI) numbers as low as possible, it is likely that real price inflation in China is now closer to 10%. China was at least smart enough to raise interest rates last month by 25 basis points to 6.06%, while the Federal Reserve continues to leave interest rates near zero with there being absolutely no talk of the Federal Reserve ever raising interest rates again. China will be successful at containing inflation, as U.S. inflation spirals out of control and becomes the greatest economic crisis in American history.

The U.S. government has been successful at temporarily paying off Americans into not rioting in the streets like in Arab nations. It was just announced a few days ago that the number of Americans on food stamps in the month of December of 2010 was a record 44,082,324, up 13.1% from one year earlier and 1.1% from one month earlier. That is more than 14% of the total U.S. population! Combined with President Obama extending unemployment benefits up to 99 weeks, American citizens are too busy and distracted playing with their iPad 2s and gossiping on Twitter about Charlie Sheen, to have any time to protest in Washington, DC.


The other big question NIA has today is, if in the unlikely event there is no QE3, who will fill in for the artificial buying demand currently coming from the Federal Reserve. After all, with no QE3, the Federal Reserve will go from buying 70% of treasury bonds to being a seller of U.S. treasuries. NIA is 100% sure that foreign central banks aren't itching to jump back in to fill the hole. While in the past, the private sector may have picked up the slack, we believe individual investors will now be more reluctant to jump into government bonds, especially with bond king Bill Gross reducing the government bond holdings in his Pimco Total Return Fund down to zero. The bottom line is, no QE3 means interest rates will fly sky high and destroy the phony so-called "economic recovery".

Again this is interesting in light of our previous post about Japan cashing in the U.S. Treasuries that it owns...which may start the wheel spinning on our own collapse.

See it here;

Again, let me state that National Inflation Association IS NOT a Christian website offering advice for the last days. They are secular people who usually tell you that the sky is falling and then counsel you to buy gold or precious metal stocks. But a lot of what they say about the sky falling makes a whole lot of common sense.

Are we prepared to be SALT and LIGHT as the world grows darker? The harvest is at hand!! Are we going to be workers that help the Lord gather....or are we going to be part of the group that scatters?

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