
Monday, March 14, 2011

Russian Scientists Warn of More Quakes

This next article is more than interesting.

Notice that even the Russians are now warning about a break in the New Madrid fault.

For any new readers, we will remind you that we have been talking about the New Madrid fault for some years now.

A new report released today in the Kremlin prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Institute of Physics of the Earth, in Moscow, is warning that the America’s are in danger of suffering a mega-quake of catastrophic proportions during the next fortnight (14 days) with a specific emphasis being placed on the United States, Mexico, Central America and South American west coast regions along with the New Madrid Fault Zone region.

That's why there were several 7+ earthquakes around, it wasn't just us. For instance there was one in Pakistan on the same day as Christchurch. This Jupiter/Saturn alignment continues until about May, and the Earth comes back into line as well in March. It is why there may be an extreme event, perhaps a large earthquake, around 20 March, which is when the Moon may be again in a trigger position.”

The mention in this report of massive low pressure systems being associated with catastrophic earthquakes is especially dire to the United States Midwestern region, which even today is continuing to be pounded by horrific rainfall amounts, and most especially impacting the New Madrid Fault Zone State of Arkansas which has suffered over 800 earthquakes in the past 6 months alone.

See it here;

With reports coming out of Japan today that their electricity supply may be impacted for MONTHS....what would happen to America's economy and our lifestyles if WE had to go without electricity for months?

I have an idea that we may not act very civil if our cell phones were out, and our homes and businesses had to endure rolling blackouts for months.

As the world reels and men begin to faint with fear as they contemplate what is coming on them....where will our hope be? Are our foundations firmly planted in Jesus Christ?

Hat tip to Heather J.

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