
Friday, March 4, 2011

Food Prices Hit Record

Gasoline has gone up over $1 per gallon since September, prices of wheat, corn and beans have almost doubled in the past 6 months, and all of these goods are delivered to us by trucks which burn diesel fuel and is approaching $4 per gallon.

But remember what the government is telling you....."Inflation is not happening....the economy is recovering....everybody is going to soon have a job....the debt is not a problem....commence shopping and spending money that you don't have so that we can get back to normal."

And of course we know that all the unrest breaking out in poor Arab countries was NOT triggered by their love of the people of of the main triggers was high food costs.

Remember, if you live on $5 per day and for the last 20 years you have been spending half of that to feed are going to be pretty upset if you now have to spend $4 per day on rice and beans just to survive.

UN food agency says that global food prices reached new highs in February and warns that oil price spikes could provoke further increases.

Skyrocketing food prices have been among the triggers for protests in Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere and raised fears of a repeat of the food price crises in 2007 and 2008. Global oil prices have spiked on concerns about the potential impact of supply disruptions from Libya. The food price index was up 2.2 percent last month, the highest in real and nominal terms since the agency started monitoring prices in 1990.

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