
Thursday, March 3, 2011


I recently flew on an airplane so had to go through security. I watched in amazement as they had all these white grandmas from Iowa and Minnesota taking their shoes off, emptying their pockets and even forcing them into body scan machines.
Why? Has a white grandma from Iowa EVER blown anything up in a terrorist attack.
That answer is "no".
And then we hear the reason that grandma still has to be searched...."We can't profile might lead to someone being offended!"
Above, I have posted a picture of two terrorists who were arrested in June at the airport in New Jersey.
Let's look closely....yep, they look of middle eastern descent....yep, they look like males between the ages of 17 and 35......yep, they have names that sound eerily similar to most convicted terrorists....yep, they are trying to fly to or from a known terrorist harboring country....
Conclusion; maybe we should pull these guys aside and give them a double take...because THEY SURE MATCH THE PROFILE OF THOUSANDS OF OTHER CONVICTED TERRORISTS!
But meanwhile, we spend billions of non-productive dollars searching every single human being that walks into the airport. This activity does NOTHING to make us any more safe and actually is another drain to our floundering economy...because the TSA does NOTHING to produce wealth. They only serve to drain resources from the productive segment.
Have we all lost our minds?

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