
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Muslim Teacher in Chicago HAVE to read this to believe it.

It seems a Muslim woman wanted three weeks off from her job so she could run to Mecca and do a pilgrimage. When the school board said, "No" because it was the end of the semester and they needed her to keep her math lab open...she quit and went to Mecca anyway.

It now seems Team Obama may have ordered the justice department to sue the board on behalf of the poor Muslim teacher.

The school district, faced with losing its only math lab instructor during the critical end-of-semester marking period, said no. Khan, a devout Muslim, resigned and made the trip anyway.

Justice Department lawyers examined the same set of facts and reached a different conclusion: that the school district’s decision amounted to outright discrimination against Khan. They filed an unusual lawsuit, accusing the district of violating her civil rights by forcing her to choose between her job and her faith.

As the case moves forward in federal court in Chicago, it has triggered debate over whether the Justice Department was following a purely legal path or whether suing on Khan’s behalf was part of a broader Obama administration campaign to reach out to Muslims.

“This was the first year she was financially able to do it,” Memon said. “It’s her religious belief that a Muslim must go for hajj quickly . . . that it’s a sin to delay.”

See it here;

Well then....I have a new religion to propose for all of us downhill skiers. Our religion will be called "Mountain Lovers". It is our religious duty to worship mountains the first two weeks of February every year. To NOT DO SO is a serious sin....and the Mountain god may cast serious curses onto us. Any job that we take, we will demand that our employer knows of our faith...and if they do not let us off every February (hopefully they will pay us during our absence too) we will sick Team Obama on them!

After would YOU like to be cursed by a mountain??

Honestly, this is simply one more sign of how far gone this country truly is. And if America is one of the LEAST SICK countries on planet earth.....just imagine how quickly the world may fall apart when America falls.


  1. Why did I not find anything on this w a google search?

  2. Where is the proof of this?

  3. Dear anonymous,
    do you understand that on this blog I post a link to the article? If you want to see where I read it, you can just double click on the live link. Of course I can't be sure if the Washington Post leaves its links live for months or years, but of course it wasn't me that wrote the article...I was just commenting on it. Just click the link. Thank you!

  4. Yes anonymous...the link is still live. It's right there if you double click on it. If you disagree with the report, I would suggest you file a complaint with the Washington Post.
