
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rockets Hit Deep Into Israel

As the headlines are clearly stating....tension is building in Israel as rockets get launched out of Gaza and land deep into southern Israel.

GAZA — Palestinian militants fired rockets far into southern Israellate Tuesday and early Wednesday and Israel responded with airstrikes in Gaza. Tensions were running high after a stray Israeli mortar shell killed three Palestinian youths and a 60-year-old man as Israel responded to a rocket attack a day earlier.

In a separate attack on Tuesday night, the Israeli Air Force killed four militants in a car, all members of Islamic Jihad, the organization and the Israeli military said. The army said the men were preparing to launch rockets at Israel.

Hamas appears to have ended a two-year cease-fire that had held since the three-week Israeli military operation in Gaza ended in early 2009. But it was unclear if policy had shifted; there have been signs of a rift between Hamas’s hard-line military wing and the government, which may have led to the escalation. Hamas statements have said the recent attacks are a response to “ongoing Israeli crimes.”

See it here;

If this tension explodes into another war between the militants in Gaza and the it possible that it could grow into the war prophesied in Psalm 83?

With the speed in which prophetic events are unraveling, it would not surprise me.

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