
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

5 Things That Will Happen to You

Over the years, we have written frequently about the USA going bankrupt.  Of course the bankruptcies in Iceland, Greece, Portugal and soon to be Spain and exactly what is coming for us.  We just don't know EXACTLY when.

Some say, "So what, Dennis!  That means nothing to me if the US Government goes bankrupt.  They deserve to go bankrupt because of all their mismanagement!"

Really?  You think it won't affect you??

Today a reader sent me this article that highlights some of the things that may happen to all of us when the USA goes broke.

1) Your life savings could be reduced to nothing almost overnight. Inflation is a fact of life. As Thomas Sowell has noted, "As of 1998, a $100 bill would not buy as much as a $20 bill would buy in the 1960's." That's under normal circumstances.

2) Your taxes will skyrocket. We've been conned into thinking that we can fund a massive government on the backs of the rich. This is simply not so. It's not working today and it's not going to happen in the future.

3) Your life could be in danger. If the government goes bankrupt, you'll have an extremely angry, confused, and frustrated populace that has little faith in its leaders -- combined with a horrific economy and a reduced ability of the government to keep order. Under those circumstances, widespread rioting and violent crime seem entirely plausible.

4) Your payments from the government will dramatically decrease or stop altogether. Contrary to what some people believe, Medicare and Social Security are paid out of the same fund that pays for everything else. In other words, if the government goes bankrupt, there is no money set aside to pay for these programs. So, if you're receiving Social Security, Medicare, welfare, food stamps, or any other similar programs, those checks could stop or be slashed down to nothing.

5) You will have a dramatically reduced standard of living. If taxes and inflation escalate dramatically, both of which are very likely if we go bankrupt, economic activity will slow to a crawl and we'll go into a depression. We're not talking about a "This is the worst economy since the Depression" situation that we hear every time there's a mild downturn in the economy; we're talking about a REAL depression.

See it all here;

Ouch!!  If that stuff all goes down....our lives that we are living today would just be a fond memory!!

But wait a second....God loves us, doesn't He??  Why would he subject us to such an awful future??  Isn't it His job to give us every creature comfort that we want, all the food we want, all the house we have ever dreamed of...and when this life of luxury is over, simply blow the trumpet and usher us into our heavenly mansions??


Ask yourselves what happened to the the Jews and Israel over the centuries when they turned from God and refused to listen.
Why should America be treated any differently?  Why shouldn't God destroy a nation that has been worshipping the false god of Mammon?  Why shouldn't he destroy us for producing, distributing and exporting more pornography than any other nation?  Why shouldn't he destroy us for destroying 50,000,000 little babies that He wonderfully knit into their mother's wombs?

Remember that God deals with nations and He deals with individuals.  Any of us who have accepted the blood of the Lamb have peace with God....but that is no guarantee that we will not be purified from our disobedience of worshipping Mammon.

Psalm 49:20
People who have wealth but lack understanding are like the beasts that perish.

Psalm 73:27
Those who are far from you will perish; you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.

It's time to ask ourselves again....have we built our foundations on the Rock of Jesus Christ?...or have we built our hope on the shifting sands of the American dream?

If that American dream were to be destroyed....would we still love Jesus for all he has done to secure our eternal salvation?  Or would our faith wash away in the storm?

Hat tip to Kevin W.

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