
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Israel Worried by "Weakening" U.S.

We believe that the USA was made great for a few of which was to provide the world's most powerful military so that we could single handed incubate Israel's rebirth.  The other was to provide enough wealth and religious freedom so that we could send and support Gospel missionaries all over the world.

We also can read the Bible and know that in the very last days God will take care of Israel himself and will not be choosing to use the U.S. military and wealth to do it.  This is another reason why I don't believe you can find America anywhere in Last Days prophecy...because America will become a non-player.

With that as a backdrop, I found this article interesting.

A top Israeli official has said the Tel Aviv regime is troubled by the perception that the United States is an "empire of the past" and wants a resurgent America to lead a decisive role in the world.

In an interview published in the Tuesday edition of The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intelligence and Atomic Energy in the Israeli Cabinet, Dan Meridor, said, "America is tested at a pivotal moment in the history of the Middle East. The Arab world is watching the US closely. They look to America. If America does not seem to be able to contain the Iranian nuclear program, will they go with Iran?"
Meridor also expressed surprise over the Obama administration's treatment of US longstanding ally, ousted Egyptian ruler Hosni Mubarak.
"Was it necessary to immediately empower the demonstrators against him and let [Hosni] Mubarak go? It's seen by all the allies of America in the Arab world. I don't know where the tide of history will go and I'm not sure they know," he said.
The senior member of the Likud party added, "The perception, that I hope is wrong, that America is weakening is not good, but I hope that America will find a way, and I believe they can, to restore itself as the leading country and not allow those impressions spread by the Iraq war that America is an empire of the past. All this is here on the table.”

See it here;

Are we indeed an "empire of the past"?  Do we have the fortitude, character and morality to pull ourselves back from the abyss?  Will Israel ultimately be standing all alone as the world gathers to destroy her?

My answers are: "I think so," "I doubt it", and "Yep".

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