
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Another Trigger for America's Demise?

A few politicians get it.  Last month we posted the words of Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann who said that if America ceases to support Israel then she believes America will also cease...because there is a certain curse in the Bible that comes into play.

Following that statement, this headline is pretty ominous, quite frankly.  It appears that the Quartet, which consists of United States, Russia, European Union and United Nations, may all be getting together soon and recognizing Palestine as it's own state, which means that it would demand Israel shove back to the 1967 borders.

American and European diplomats warned that if Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu fails to present a new peace initiative soon, the Quartet may be compelled to recognize a Palestinian State in the 1967 borders, with east Jerusalem as its capital, the Los Angeles Times reported on Tuesday.

According to the report, Netanyahu is under mounting pressure to unveil a new plan that would jump-start the deadlocked negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

If the prime minister does not deliver, the Quartet members – which include the United State, Russia, The European Union and the United Nations – may opt to resume the peace process by officially endorsing a Palestinian state.

"The Israelis are facing a bit of pressure with the way things are proceeding," a western diplomat stationed in Israel told the newspaper. "People are starting to look to the US for some kind of action," he added.

See it here;,7340,L-4058472,00.html

A bit of pressure??  Is that what you would call taking what tiny bit of land that Israel has and forcing them to give it to people who have sworn they will NEVER rest until Israel is totally vanquished into the sea and the Jews are all chased out or killed??....A bit of pressure??  Really??

I'm not going to make predictions, but it would follow the patterns of scripture that if America signs a document effectively splitting Israel, which is God's holy land, that the United States will also be split.  That may mean the New Madrid fault splits us, or race wars and unrest begin to split us, or our financial insolvency comes to a head and splits us in half, or a solar storm cuts us in half....or a combination of all of the above.  But know this for sure....there WILL BE supernatural consequences if the USA signs the document splitting Israel.  You can take that to the bank.

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