
Monday, April 18, 2011

Puberty Blocker

A reader sent me this article today along with a simple comment, "Unbelievable".  We would have to agree.

Children as young as 12 are to be allowed drugs to block puberty while they decide whether to have a sex change, it has been revealed.

The monthly injection suspends the onset of adulthood so that young people confused about their gender can be sure of any decision before they take on too many masculine or feminine features.  

Supporters say that the "window" prevents a great deal of mental and physical anguish caused by the maturing of sex organs, facial hair growth and changes in the voice.

But critics argue it only prolongs the agony and can prevent people "growing out" of any feelings of confusion.

The treatment can be prescribed for people diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder (GID) – a rare psychiatric condition where a person is born one sex, but feels they are the other.

One of the main effects of the drugs is to stunt the development of sexual organs so less surgery will be required if someone chooses to permanently change their gender at a later date.

See it here;

So what's going on here?  Of course it is simply one more example of Satan's attempts to blur the God-given lines that our Creator clearly prescribed for mankind.

"And he created them male and female", is one of the first lines in the Bible.  Once Satan saw that Word of God printed in the book (Bible) he decided to make a run at that one....just like he makes a run at every one of God's clear statements.

Satan's main goal to make God out to be a liar.  Since he can't do that, his next plan of attack sets out to make all of us simple-minded humans doubt the Word of God.

We say something like this in our brains and, sadly, are now even hearing it from the pulpits...."Did God really say he created them male or female....?"

Sound familiar?  It should.  It was the first question Satan asked Eve as he was sewing the seeds for the downfall of all mankind.

I guess the more things change in the human realm...the more things stay the same in the spiritual realm.

If Jesus tarries his much time do you think it will be until the politically correct require these drugs to be administered to all children until those kids will be old enough to tell us what gender they believe they are?  After all, how dare we parents raise our kids as boys or girls when our children have not been able to clearly tell us, or even know for themselves...whether they are boys or girls?

Lord Jesus, thy kingdom come!....please!!

Hat tip to Barb F.


  1. You asked the question: "If Jesus tarries His return..."

    Scripture states He will not tarry!

    For yet a little while, and He that will come will come, and will not tarry. (Heb. 10:37 KJV)

  2. Amen! I should have said if Jesus tarries his return from OUR perspective... Of course Jesus will come exactly at the right time! Even so Come Lord Jesus!
