
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bees, Bats and Stinkbugs

We have posted recently about the declining bee and bat population and how they pollinate our crops so we can have food to eat.  I will remind you that Einstein said once that if the bees were to disappear, the human race would only have 4 years left until we also became extinct.

But what's up with the stinkbugs?  Are they good or bad?  Sadly, it is more bad news because these bugs are standing ready to destroy most of our food crops.

The paragraphs below come from an article from Chuck Missler.

Speaking of annoying insects, the stinkbugs are rubbing their eyes and yawning and hopping out of their winter hibernation. The brown marmorated stink bug beetle appeared in America first in Allentown, Pennsylvania in the late 1990s and has multiplied into swarms that coat houses and windows every summer. The bugs have spread to 33 states, where they promise to destroy crops like sweet corn, apples, pears, grapes, berries, peaches, tomatoes, peppers and beans. Trissolcus wasps keep the stinkbugs under control in their native Japan by eating the stinkbug eggs. However, importing these tiny wasps to fight the stinkbugs may not be the best idea if the wasps also eat the eggs of other, beneficial varieties of stinkbugs.

While the price of gold and silver rise and investors scrutinize the stock markets, the very basic food needs of the United States - and the rest of the world - are under attack. Farmers face losing large numbers of their friends the bees and bats, while pests like stinkbugs reproduce in plague-like numbers. We have a constant reminder that sin - like a disease, like a pestilence - has infected the world, and all our striving will not make it go away. We also have a constant reminder that we were created in the image of God, and in our creative power we are able to find answers to many of our physical problems. Yet, with as many advances as we make, the sin remains. The blights and bugs keep coming. Thank God, we have a Savior in the heavens who has died to heal all our diseases – even the diseases faced by entire nations.
See it here;
There will be famines and pestilence....Jesus told us.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    The IDF said on the broadcast today it will stop the next flotilla "at all costs"

    Watch this video.


