
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ponzi Talk Goes Public

We have talking about Ponzi schemes on this blog and in adult education for a few years now.  Many of you have heard me talk about the Ponzi scheme of Bernie Madoff being a foreshadowing of the Ponzi scheme that the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury and the U.S. Governement are running.

Today, PIMCO, one of the largest mutual fund companies in the world, is publicly calling the Federal Reserve system a Ponzi scheme.

“Investors are no doubt worried they may have bought into an unsustainable scheme: the creation of a scourge of debt so large that the Fed itself has had to purchase the debt to keep the game going.”

1) Donuts: “Ponzi…convinced many in the angry crowd to stay calm and leave their money with him, enticing them with little more than his charm, donuts and coffee….the Fed needs ‘donuts’ in order to fill the bellies of the literally millions of investors worldwide who worry about the alarmingly large U.S. budget deficit and the impact that the U.S. debt dilemma could have on their Treasury holdings.”

2) Rotten eggs: “What they should instead smell is the whiff of rotten eggs. But this is easily hidden with a nose pin, which the Fed through QEII places on the noses of each investor…”

3) Hot potato: “Treasury investors face the potential for capital losses for having bought into the Fed’s scheme at prices inflated by QE, sort of like playing a game of hot potato and getting stuck with the potato when the Fed abruptly leaves the game.”

4) Donuts again: “The Fed’s purchases have the sweet aroma of freshly baked jelly donuts and many a Treasury bond investor has been drawn to their savory, sugary, scrumptious taste.”

See it here;

Friends, as we have been saying....the U.S. Government and our entire financial system could very possibly come apart as quickly as Bernie Madoff's scheme....which left almost all of his investors dead broke.

Pray for this country to turn back to leave the god of Mammon which has deluded us with empty promises and fed our human desire for the riches of this world.

As we watch the news clips from the most deadly tornado system to strike the south in a generation....I have to wonder if God's judgment on this nation has already begun.

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