
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Burning the Koran vs, Burning the Bible

Here is an interesting appears that the editor of TIME MAGAZINE believes that burning the Koran is MUCH worse than burning the Bible becuase the Koran was given to Muslims directly from God whereas the Bible was written by men.

Holy confusion!!  You simply can't make this stuff up!!

Time Magazine world editor Bobby Ghosh told host MSNBC host Chuck Todd on Friday that burning the Koran is worse than burning the Bible. According to Gnosh, the Koran is directly from God, while the Bible isn’t.

GHOSH: The thing to keep in mind that`s very important here is that the Koran to Muslims, it is not — it is not the same as the Bible to Christians.

The Bible is a book written by men. It is acknowledged by Christians that it is written by men. It`s the story of Jesus.

TODD: Yes.

GHOSH: But the Koran, if you are a believer, if you`re a Muslim, the Koran is directly the word of God, not written by man. It is transcribed, is directly the word of God.
That makes it sacred in a way that it`s hard to understand if you’re not Muslim. So the act of burning a Koran is much more — potentially much, much more inflammatory than –

TODD: Directly attacking — directly attacking God.

GHOSH: — than if you were to burn a — burn a Bible.

See it here;

I get it.

As the reader who sent me this article says, "Persecution is coming."

Hat tip to Becky M.

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