
Thursday, April 7, 2011

First the Bees, Now the Bats?

Bees pollinate an enormous amount of our food crops.  Albert Einstein said that if the bees were to disappear that mankind would die out in 4 years.  And we watch in amazement as the bees have vanished in alarming numbers.

But bats also play an important role in our food production.  Bats eat millions of pests that prey on our food.  Without bats, things would go terribly wrong.

And now we find out that the bats may be vanishing as well.

New York, April 1 (THAINDIAN NEWS) Scientists have put the value of the benefits of bats to the US farming industry at $22.9 billion every year.

Unfortunately the bats are now dying in hundreds of thousands of numbers and unless something is done quickly to stop the deaths, the entire bat colony in the United States could be wiped out. The culprit has been identified as the white-nose syndrome.

The scientists estimate that a single colony of bats which averagely consists of 130 bats could consume up to 1.3 million pest insects every year and that is quite significant for farmers. The researchers criticized the seemingly lack of interest of the government to address the disappearance of the bats.

The research team was led by Justin Boyles of the University of Pretoria in South Africa. They wrote that, “Bats are among the most overlooked, yet economically important, non-domesticated animals in North America, and their conservation is important for the integrity of ecosystems and in the best interest of both national and international economies.”

See it here;
Jesus tells us there will be famine in the Last Days.  It sure seems like it's setting up for a big one.
Hat tip to Karl J.

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